Micklow, Amanda C. and Mildred E. Warner, (2014). “Not Your Mother’s Suburb: Remaking Communities for a more Diverse Population,” The Urban Lawyer, 46(4): 729-751.
Micklow, Amanda, Beth Kancilia, Mildred Warner, 2015. “The Need to Plan for Women,” Planning with a Gender Lens Issue Brief. 2015.
Turesky, Marisa and Warner, Mildred E. (2020). “Gender Dynamics in the Planning Workplace,” Journal of the American Planning Association, 86:2, 157-170, DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2019.1691041
Warner, Mildred E., and Xue Zhang. 2023. “Representative Bureaucracy, Age-Friendly Planning, and the Role of Gender, Public Engagement, and Professional Management.” Administration and Society 55, no. 9: 1738–1757. https://doi.org/10.1177/00953997231183000.