
Shen, D., Redmond, E., Bowman Brady, J., and Mildred E. Warner. 2024. “Assessing the Digital Divide in Affordable Housing: The Power of Collective Action.” Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Liang, J., M.E. Warner, Y. Xu, and C. Zhang. March 2024. “NYS Property Tax Cap Impact Analysis: The First Decade.” Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University  (Appendix)

Bravo, N., & Warner, M.E. (2023). Closing the Broadband Infrastructure Gap: State Grant Funds and the Digital Divide. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Zhang, X. and Warner, M.E. (2023). Cross-Agency Collaboration to Address Rural Aging: the Role of County Government, Journal of Aging and Social Policy. Forthcoming.

Zhang, X. and Warner, M.E. 2023. Linking urban planning, community environment, and physical activity: a socio-ecological approach, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 2944;

Warner, M. E., Kelly, P. M., and Zhang, X. (2022). Challenging Austerity under the Covid-19 State. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, rsac032,

Warner, M.E. (2022). Advancing Equity: Local Government Responses in the Time of COVID-19, Issue brief. Local Government Restructuring Lab, Cornell University.

Tan, X. & Zhao, Z. (2022). Equity Planning in China, Focusing on Education​. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. Full ReportIssue Brief. (See Video and Slides of presentation at the 2022 APA Virtual National Conference)

Xu, C., Jin, J., Wang, Y., Liu, Q. (2022). Invisible Women in Comprehensive Plans, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. (See Video and Slides of presentation at the 2022 APA Virtual National Conference)

Faulwell, H., Ford, A., Guo, E., Kamaruzuki, M. (2022). Broadband for All: Harnessing ARPA for Effective Broadband Expansion. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. Issue Brief. Case Studies. (See Video and Slides of presentation at the 2022 APA Virtual National Conference)

Kang, Y.J., Turlapati, L., Schwab, J., Huang, J. (2022). Water and Sewer Infrastructure:​ Correcting Underinvestment with Smart Spending, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. Appendix A: Plan Content AnalysisAppendix B: Case Study Profiles. (See Video and Slides of presentation at the 2022 APA Virtual National Conference)

Coats, K., Diaz-Torres, P.C., Wang, Y., Wen, A., Yang, Q. (2022). Expanding Child Care in Tompkins County, NY, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. (See Video and Slides of presentation at the 2022 APA Virtual National Conference)

Kelly, P. & Warner, M.E. (2022). How will New York Local Governments Use their ARPA funds? Issue brief. Local Government Restructuring Lab, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. & Zhang, X, (2022). Challenges and Opportunities of an Aging Rural Population. Research Brief # 2022-3 Rural Population Research Network.

McCartney, G., Khant Oo, L., & Wardell, R. (2022). Planning for an Age-Friendly Tompkins County: Looking beyond Land Use. Tompkins County Age Friendly Center for Excellence. Cornell University Dept of City and Regional Planning.

Zhang, X., González Rivas, M., Grant, M., & Warner, M. E. (2022). Water pricing and affordability in the US: public vs. private ownership. Water Policy, 24(3), 500-516.

Xu, Y., & Warner, M. E. (2022). Crowding Out Development: Fiscal Federalism after the Great Recession. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 54(2), 311-329.

Zhang, X., Warner, M. E., & Grant, M. (2022). Water shutoff moratoria lowered COVID-19 infection and death across US states. American journal of preventive medicine62(2), 149-156.

Zhang, X. & Warner, M. E. (2021). Age-Friendly Planning in Tompkins County: Bridging the Rural-Urban Divide - A Report to the Tompkins County Age-Friendly Center for Excellence. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Zhang, X. & Warner, M. E. (2021). Tompkins County Age-Friendly Survey Summary. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M. E. (Ed.) (2021). Special Issue on Water Privatization: Lessons and Pitfalls. Utilities Policy.

Clifton, J., Warner, M.E., Gradus, R., & Bel, G. (Eds.) (2021). Special Issue: Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 24(3): 293-404.

Warner, M. E., & Aldag, A. M. (2021). Re-municipalization in the US: A pragmatic response to contracting. Journal of Economic Policy Reform24(3), 319-332.

Clifton, J., Warner, M. E., Gradus, R., & Bel, G. (2021). Re-municipalization of public services: trend or hype?Journal of Economic Policy Reform24(3), 293-304.

FutureShape: A Research Agenda for the Planning Profession. American Planning Association, June 2020.

Warner, M. E., & Zhang, X. (2021). Serving an ageing population: Collaboration is key. Local government studies, 47(3), 498-517.

Kim, Y., Aldag, A. M., & Warner, M. E. (2021). Blocking the progressive city: How state pre-emptions undermine labour rights in the USA. Urban Studies58(6), 1158-1175.

Warner, M. E., Aldag, A. M., & Kim, Y. (2021). Pragmatic municipalism: US local government responses to fiscal stress. Public Administration Review81(3), 389-398.

Warner, M. E., and Zhang, X. (2021). Social Safety Nets and COVID-19 Stay Home Orders across US States: A Comparative Policy Analysis. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 23(2): 176-190.

Zhang, X. & Warner, M.E. (2021). The Relationship Between Water Shutoffs and COVID Infections and Deaths. Food and Water Watch Issue Brief, March 2021. 

Warner, M. E., Rivas, M. G., & Zhang, X. (2021). Water equity, COVID-19 and the role of US cities and states. Town Planning Review, 92(2), 221-227.

Warner, M. E., & Xu, Y. (2021). Productivity divergence: state policy, corporate capture and labour power in the USA. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society14(1), 51-68.

Tan, S., Fraser, A., McHugh, N., & Warner, M. E. (2021). Widening perspectives on social impact bonds. Journal of Economic Policy Reform24(1), 1-10.

Warner, M.E. & Zhang X. (2021). Planning Across Generations: Are we making progress? CSA Journal, 80(1) : 40-46.

Warner, M.E., Zhang, X., & Reece, J. (Eds.) (2021). Special Issue: Child-Friendly Planning and Public Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18.

Tan, S., Fraser, A., McHugh, N., & Warner, M.E. (Eds). (2021). Special Issue: Widening perspectives on Social Impact Bonds. Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 24(1).

Zhang, X., & Warner, M. E. (2020). COVID-19 Policy Differences across US States: Shutdowns, Reopening, and Mask Mandates. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(24), 9520.

Warner, M. E., & Zhang, X. (2020). Healthy places for children: The critical role of engagement, common vision, and collaboration. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(24), 9277.

Gee, O., Lumbantoruan, T., Mukkavilli, A. & Toy, B. (2020). Towards Fair Wages: Minimum wage wins and the labor coalitions that drive them. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Lopez, C., Pradipta, K.T., Sahertian, E. & Triani, M. (2020). Paid Sick Leave for Everyone: What Cities Can Do. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M. E., Zhang, X., & González Rivas, M. (2020). Which states and cities protect residents from water shutoffs in the COVID-19 pandemic?. Utilities policy67, 101118.

Chiapello, E., Knoll, L., & Warner, M.E. (Eds.) (2020). Special Issue: Social Impact Bonds and the Urban Transformation. Journal of Urban Affairs, 42(6).

Warner, M.E., Gonzalez-Rivas, M., Grant, M., & Zhang, X. (2020).  Water Shutoff Moratoria in the United States: The Role of Cities and States. In: McDonald, D.A., Spronk, S., & Chavez, D., Public Water and COVID-19: Dark Clouds and Silver Linings (pp. 85-100). Municipal Services Project (Kingston), Transnational Institute (Amsterdam) and Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLASCO) (Buenos Aires).

Warner, M.E. & Zhang, X. (2020). Age-Friendly Cities - Do Female Managers Matter? Paper presented at Beyond Representative Bureaucracy: Race, Gender, and Social Equity in Governance, September 2020.

Warner, M.E. & Zhang, X. (2020). Planning for All Ages: Survey Summary.

Xu, J. (2020). Multiagency Response to Food Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Best Practices Report. Tompkins County Age Friendly Center for Excellence, Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning.

Wilson, R., Fraser, A., Kimmitt, J., Tan, S., McHugh, N., Lowe, T., Warner, M.E., Baines, S. & Carter, E. (2020). Whither Social Impact Bonds (SIBs): the future of social investment?Public Money and Management 40(3): 179-182. Special Issue: Futures in social investment? Learning from the emerging policy and practice of Social Impact Bonds (SIBs)

Wilson, R., Fraser, A., Kimmitt, J., Tan, S., McHugh, N., Lowe, T.,  Warner, M.E., Baines, S., & Carter, E. (Eds.) (2020). Special Issue: Futures in social investment? Learning from the emerging policy and practice of Social Impact Bonds (SIBs). Public Money and Management 40(3).

Aldag, A. M., Warner, M. E., & Bel, G. (2020). It Depends on What You Share: The elusive cost savings from service sharing. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory30(2), 275-289.

Turesky, M., & Warner, M. E. (2020). Gender dynamics in the planning workplace: The importance of women in management. Journal of the American Planning Association86(2), 157-170.

Wen, C., Xu, Y., Kim, Y., & Warner, M. E. (2020). Starving counties, squeezing cities: Tax and expenditure limits in the US. Journal of Economic Policy Reform23(2), 101-119.

Bravo, N., Warner, M.E. & Aldag, A. (2020). Grabbing Market Share, Taming Rogue Cities and Crippling Counties: Views from the Field on State Preemption of Local Authority. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Tse, A., & Warner, M. E. (2020). A Policy Outcomes Comparison: Does SIB Market Discipline Narrow Social Rights?. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 22(2): 134-152.

Zhang, X., Warner, M. E., & Wethington, E. (2020). Can age-friendly planning promote equity in community health across the rural-urban divide in the US?International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(4), 1275.

Liao, L., Warner, M. E., & Homsy, G. C. (2020). When do plans matter? Tracking changes in local government sustainability actions from 2010 to 2015. Journal of the American Planning Association86(1), 60-74.

Liao, L., Warner, M. E., & Homsy, G. C. (2019). Sustainability’s forgotten third E: what influences local government actions on social equity?Local Environment24(12), 1197-1208.

Aldag, A. M., Kim, Y., & Warner, M. E. (2019). Austerity urbanism or pragmatic municipalism? Local government responses to fiscal stress in New York State. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space51(6), 1287–1305.

Pratt, E. E., & Warner, M. E. (2019). Imagining the good place: Public services and family strategies in rural Ecuador. Rural Sociology84(2), 284-314.

Homsy, G. C., Liu, Z., & Warner, M. E. (2019). Multilevel governance: Framing the integration of top-down and bottom-up policymaking. International Journal of Public Administration42(7), 572-582.

Aldag, A. M., Warner, M. E., & Kim, Y. (2019). Leviathan or public steward? Evidence on local government taxing behavior from New York State. Publius: The Journal of Federalism49(4), 671-693.

Zhang, X., Warner, M. E., & Firestone, S. (2019). Overcoming barriers to livability for all ages: Inclusivity is the key. Urban Planning4(2), 31-42.

Mann, C. L., & Warner, M. E. (2019). Power asymmetries and limits to eminent domain: the case of missoula water’s municipalization. Water Alternatives12(2), 725-737.

Hefetz, A., & Warner, M. E. (2012). Contracting or Public Delivery? The importance of service, market and management characteristics. Journal of public administration research and theory22(2), 289-317.

Warner, M. E. (2011). Competition or cooperation in urban service delivery?. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics82(4), 421-435.

Homsy, G.C. , Zhilin, L., & Warner, M.E. (2019). A Framework for Multilevel Governance Analysis. In: Farazmand, A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer.

Zhang, X, & Warner, M.E. (2019). Business Retention and Expansion and Business Clusters - A Comprehensive Approach to Community Development. In: Darger, M., Barefield, A., & Hales, B. (Eds.) Business Retention and Expansion (BRE): A Practical Approach to Economic Development. Routledge.

Gradus, R., Homsy, G. C., Liao, L., & Warner, M. E. (2019). Which US municipalities adopt Pay-As-You-Throw and curbside recycling?. Resources, Conservation and Recycling143, 178-183.

Warner, M. E., & Zhang, X. (2019). Planning Communities for All Ages. Journal of Planning Education and Research

Conlin M., Fenton E., Raley L., Wang Z., Ye C., & Uribe-Rheinbolt F. (2019). The Global Recycling Crisis and How Local Governments Can Respond. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. See Website

Aldag, A., Warner, M. E., & Kim, Y. (2019). Meeting Service Needs with Tight Resources. Local Government Review (pp. 2-6). International City County Management Association (pp 36-40).

Homsy, G., & Warner, M.E. (2019). Reframing Rural Planning: Multilevel Governance to Address Climate Change. In: Scott, M., Gallent, N., & Gkartzios, M. (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning (pp. 607-614). Routledge.

Homsy, G. C., Liao, L., & Warner, M. E. (2019). Sustainability and disaster planning: What are the connections?. Rural sociology84(3), 516-540.

Firestone, S., Warner, M.E. & Zhang, X. (2019). Planning Age Friendly Cities Across the Globle. The Journal, 12: 46-51. AARP.

Warner, M. E. (2018). Un Buen Lugar en Tungurahua: Estrategias Familiares de un Pueblo Rural. Quito, Ecuador: FLACSO and Abya Yala. ISBN: 978-9942-09-490-2

Rukus, J., Warner, M. E., & Zhang, X. (2018). Community Policing: Least Effective where Need is Greatest. Crime & Delinquency64(14), 1858-1881.

Kim, Y., & Warner, M. E. (2018). Shrinking Local Autonomy: Corporate Coalitions and the Subnational State. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society11(3), 427-441.

Cassidy, M. (2018). Tax Abatements in New York State: GASB-77 and Making the Case for the Database of Deals. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Aldag, A. M., & Warner, M. (2018). Cooperation, Not Cost Savings: Explaining Duration of Shared Service Agreements. Local Government Studies44(3), 350-370.

Turesky, M., & Warner, M.E. (2018). Gender Dynamics in Planning Workplaces. Planning with a Gender Lens, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Bel, G., Hebdon, R., & Warner, M.E. (2018). Beyond privatisation and cost savings: alternatives for local government reform. Local Government Studies44(2), 173-182.

Aldag, A., & Warner, M.E. (2018). Fix the Cap, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Tou, E. & Stein, R. (2018). Age Friendly Sullivan: Perspectives from a Rural County. Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County.

Hussam, S. (2018). Public Banking for Infrastructure Finance. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Kim, Y., & Warner, M. E. (2018). Geographies of local government stress after the great recession. Social Policy & Administration52(1), 365-386.

Tse, A., Murphy, K., Mann, C., Delpino, P., Bailey G., Pryce, A., Jasper, I., & Gupta, C. (2017). Michigan's Approach to Fiscal Crisis: An Emergency for Democracy. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. Issue Brief. Full Report.

Aldag, A., Bravo, N., Cassidy, N., Rayner, A., & Small, Z. (2017). Linking Fiscal Stress and Social Equity: A Municipal Toolbox. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. Issue Brief. Full Report.

Carmelo Danobeyta, E., Walcott, K., & Turesky, M. (2017). Corporate Interests and Local Government Pushback, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Meghji, A., Basboga, K., Galvin, M., Warrington, M., Hussam, S., & Thomas, R. (2017). Addressing Infrastructure Needs through Innovative Financing Mechanisms, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E & Homsy G.C. (2017). Multi-Generational Planning: Integrating the Needs of Elders and Children. In: Fitzgerald, K., & Caro, F.G., International Perspectives on Age Friendly Cities (pp. 227-240). Routledge.

Warner, M. E. (2017). Multigenerational Planning: Theory and Practice. iQuaderni di Urbanistica Tre, No. 14 (Sept-Dec 2017), 17-24. Full Special Issue, Planning for All Generations: Per una pianificazione multigenerazionale

Aldag, A., & Warner, M.E. (2017). Causes and Responses to Fiscal Stress – 2017 Survey Results. NYSAC Magazine, 38(3).

Schaller, S., Wagner, K.C. and Warner, M.E. (2017). Creating a City for Workers: Union Strategies on Child Care in New York City. In: Ian T.M. (Ed.) Unions and the City: Negotiating Urban Change (pp. 171-188). ILR Press.

Aldag, A., & Warner, M.E. (2017). Causes and Responses to Fiscal Stress – 2017 Survey Results. NYCom Magazine.

Aldag, A., & Warner, M.E. (2017). Stressed Out: Causes and Local Government Reactions to Local Fiscal Stress. NYS Association of Towns Magazine (June 2017).

Hipp, L., Morrissey, T. W., & Warner, M. E. (2017). Who Participates and Who Benefits From Employer‐Provided Child‐Care Assistance?. Journal of Marriage and Family79(3), 614-635.

Bronfin A., Liu, R., Switzer, S., & Walcott, K. (2017). Walkability: It’s Not All About Design, Issue Brief. Rome Neighborhood Workshop. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Bronfin A., Liu, R., Switzer, S., & Walcott, K. (2017). Can Regeneration be Multigenerational? A Case Study of Child and Age Friendliness in Piazza Alessandria, Neighborhood Report. Rome Workshop. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Blandon, R., Brakke, G., Carmelo Danobeytia, E., Glasser, J., & Visnauskas, A. (2017). Hearing the Voices of Children and Elders, Issue Brief. Rome Neighborhood Workshop. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Blandon, R., Brakke, G., Carmelo Danobeytia, E., Glasser, J., & Visnauskas, A. (2017). Pineta Sacchetti: A Village without a name, Neighborhood Report. Rome Neighborhood Workshop. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Shin, B., Galvin, M., Laude, R., & Hussam, S. (2017). Living Next to a Transit Corridor – A Livability Audit for Children and Elders, Issue Brief. Rome Neighborhood Workshop. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Shin, B., Galvin, M., Laude, R., & Hussam, S. (2017). San Giovanni: Living Next to a Transit Corridor, Neighborhood Report. Rome Neighborhood Workshop. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Ebeid, E., Luo, L., Murphy, G., Rao, T., & Samron, E. (2017). Local Institutions Matter: Building a Neighborhood for All Generations, Issue Brief. Rome Neighborhood Workshop. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Ebeid, E., Luo, L., Murphy, G., Rao, T., & Samron, E. (2017). Il Tufello: Building a Strong Community Despite the Odds, Neighborhood Report. Rome Neighborhood Workshop. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Aldag, A., Warner, M.E., & Yunji, K. (2017). What Causes Local Fiscal Stress? What Can Be Done About It? Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M. E., Homsy, G. C., & Morken, L. J. (2017). Planning for Aging in Place: Stimulating a Market and Government Response. Journal of Planning Education and Research37(1), 29–42.

Kim, Y., & Warner, M. E. (2016). Pragmatic municipalism: Local government service delivery after the great recession. Public Administration94(3), 789-805.

Canfield, A.J., Stein, R., & Tou, E. (2016). Supporting Sullivan Seniors, Youth and Children. Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County, NY.

Clifton, J., Diaz-Fuentes, D., & Warner, M. E. (2016). The Loss of Public Values when Public Utilities Go Abroad. Utilities Policy40, 134-143.

Warner, M.E. (2016). Pragmatic Publics in the Heartland of Capitalism: Local Services in the United States. In: McDonald, D.A. (Ed.) Making Public in a Privatized World: The struggle for Essential Services (pp. 189-202). Zed Books.

Homsy, G.C., Warner, M.E. & Liao, L. (2016). Sustainability and Local Governments: Planning Helps Balance Environmental, Economic, and Social Equity Priorities. Local Government Review, International City County Management Association (pp 5-14).

Anjum, K., Bahnmiller, H., Dinh, H., Fierro, A., Kim, J., Master, J., Mendhekar, D., Olbrich, K., Spotte-Smith, K., Wetzel, K., Yongo-Bure, J., Kim, Y., Warner, M. E. (2015). Facing Fiscal Challenges: Moving Toward a New York State and Local Government Partnership, Full Report. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. (An issue brief version is also available along with issue briefs of each section: Cracking Under PressureBuilding EquityInvesting in Our Future)

Micklow, A., Kancilia, B., & Warner, M.E. (2015). The Need to Plan for Women, Planning with a Gender Lens Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Bel, G., & Warner, M. E. (2015). Inter‐municipal cooperation and costs: Expectations and Evidence. Public Administration93(1), 52-67.

Xi, X. (2015). Barriers to InterMunicipal Service Sharing in NYS, Issue Brief. Shared Services Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Choi, M. & Warner, M.E. (2015). Collaboration: The Key to Building Communities for All Generations. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.) The Municipal Year Book 2015 (pp. 27-39).

Warner, M.E. (2015). Profiting from Public Values: The Case of Social Impact Bonds. In: John B., Barbara C., & Laura B. (Eds.) Creating Public Value in Practice (pp. 143-160). CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.

Xu, Y., & Warner, M. E. (2015). Understanding Employment Growth in the Recession: The Geographic Diversity of State Rescaling. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society8(2), 359-377.

Hymer, N. & Tellman, M. (2014). Innovations in Shared Services: The Need for an Administrative Backbone. The Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University

Yglesias, S. (2014). Co-Production in Service Delivery: The Case of The Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Rivera, R., & Xu, Y. (2014). NY Property Tax Cap: Impact Analysis. The Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Agyeman-Budu, E., Gitonga, B., McManus, C., Moretz, D.,  Valdes, M., & Zhang, X. (2014). Sustainable Economic Development: Investments in People, Place and Business. The Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Report Summary Presentation

Byrd, B. (2014). Benefits of Well-Designed User Fees. The Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Huckfeldt, A., Hung, I., & Sabri, R. (2014). Social Indicators for New York Local Governments. The Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Departmeny of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. | Report Summary Presentation

Chang, H. & Wen, C. (2014). Tax Caps in Other States: Lessons for New York. The Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Cantatore, S., Cunningham, Z., & Muschett, M. (2014). Collaboration between Unions, Citizens, and Municipalities Toward a Common Narrative. Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Report Summary Presentation

Burgess, D., Keegan, T., Kuhlmann, D., Taru & Weisbrod, M. (2014). Chronic Underfunding for Transportation: New York State's Response to Local Infrastructure Needs. Creative Responses to Fiscal Stress Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Report Summary Presentation

Qian, B., & Warner, M.E. (2014). Do Municipalities Share Services with Poorer Neighbors?: Factors Explaining Levels of Service Sharing Among Municipalities in New York State. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Wang, Y. & Warner, M.E. (2014). Service Sharing between Municipalities and Schools in New York State: Least where need is greatest. The Shared Services Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Bel, G., Brown, T. L., & Warner, M. E. (2014). Editorial Overview: Symposium on Mixed and Hybrid Models of Public Service Delivery. International Public Management Journal, 17(3): 297-307.

Hefetz, A., Warner, M. E., & Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2014). Concurrent Sourcing in the Public Sector: A Strategy to Manage Contracting Risk. International Public Management Journal17(3), 365-386.

Warner, M.E. (2014).  Municipal Size, Resources, and Efficiency: Theoretical Bases for Shared Services and Consolidation. In: Henderson, A. (Ed.), Municipal Shared Services: A Public Solutions Handbook (pp. 3-16). Routledge.

Micklow, A. C., & Warner, M. E. (2014). Not your mother’s suburb: Remaking communities for a more diverse population. The Urban Lawyer46(4), 729.

Zhong, C., Bel, G., & Warner, M. E. (2014). High-Speed Rail Accessibility: A Comparative Analysis of Urban Access in Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Madrid, and Barcelona. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 2014, vol. 14, num. 4, p. 473-495

Hefetz, A., Warner, M. E., & Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2014). Professional Management and Local Government Service Delivery: Strategic Decisions Across Alternative Markets. Public Performance & Management Review38(2), 261-283.

González Rivas, M., Beers, K., Warner, M. E., & Weber-Shirk, M. (2014). Analyzing the Potential of Community Water Systems: The case of AguaClara. Water Policy16(3), 557-577.

Homsy, G. C., & Warner, M. E. (2015). Cities and Sustainability: Polycentric Action and Multilevel Governance. Urban affairs review51(1), 46-73.

McManus, C., & Sprehn, N. (2014). Utica: Refugees and Revitalization. Upstate Case Studies. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Report Summary Presentation

Rivin, A. & Kim, Y. (2014). The Pension Problem: Myth or Reality? The State of Public Pensions in Upstate New York. Upstate Case Studies. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Report Summary Presentation

Milrod, P., Manrique, E., & Marchiori de Assis, B. (2014). City of Rochester: From an Industrial City to a Knowledge-Based Economy. Upstate Case Studies. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Report Summary Presentation

Olson, K., Salas, A., Restrepo-Mieth, A., & Westgren, D. (2014). Syracuse: Weathering Financial Challenges through Strategic Partnerships. Upstate Case Studies. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Report Summary Presentation

Subramanyam, N., Leonhardt, P., & Sperling, E. (2014). Fiscal Challenges and Opportunities: An Examination of Fiscal Conditions, Innovations, and Regional Strategies in the City of Buffalo and Erie County. Upstate Case Studies. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Report Summary Presentation

Smith, G., E. Warner, M., Fioretti, C., & Meschiari, C. (2014). Rome undergraduate planning workshop: A reflexive approach to neighborhood studies. Planning Theory & Practice15(1), 9-25.

Swarts, D., & Warner, M. E. (2014). Hybrid firms and transit delivery: The case of Berlin. Annals of public and cooperative economics85(1), 127-146.

Wang, H., Warner, M. E., Tian, Y., & Zhu, D. (2014). Public Owner with Business Delivery Mode: Case Study of the Shanghai Public Bus System. Annals of public and cooperative economics85(1), 147-164.

Government Outsourcing: A Practical Guide for State and Local Governments. (2014) Member of Expert Panel of Authors, SPEA, Indiana University.

Homsy, G.C. & Warner, M.E. (2014). Intermunicipal Cooperation: The Growing Reform. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.) The Municipal Yearbook 2014. (pp 53-65).

Sipple, J. & Diianni-Miller, A. (2013). Shared School Services: A Common Response to Fiscal Stress, Issue Brief. Shared Services Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Hayes, C. (2013). More than Career Education:A BOCES Primer, Issue Brief. Shared Services Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Birk, E. (2013). Who Picks Up the Bill? Problems With One-Sided Service Mergers:The Case of the Onondaga County Police Services Merger, Issue Brief. Shared Services Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Hayes, C. (2013). Savings on Administrative Costs: Are Central Business Offices the Answer?, Issue Brief. Shared Services Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Hayes, C. (2013). Intermunicipal Sharing: BOCES helps Towns and Schools Cooperate across New York, Issue Brief. Shared Services Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M. E. (2013). Private Interest in Public Finance: Social Impact Bonds. Journal of Economic Policy Reform16(4), 303-319.

Homsy, G., Qian, B., Wang, Y., & Warner, M.E. (2013). Shared Services in New York State: A Reform that Works, Summary of Municipal Survey in NYS, 2013. Shared Services Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Long, V. (2013). Communicating the Needs of Our Children, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Li, X., & Long, V. (2013). Diverse Localities: Demographics Matter, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M. E., & Zheng, L. (2013). Business Incentive Adoption in the Recession. Economic Development Quarterly27(2), 90-101.

Zaire, D., & Rivin, A. (2013). Informal Networks: A New Arena for Planning Intervention, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Madfis, H. (2013). The Planning Gender Gap, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Dunn, D. (2013). Making it Work: Designing Neighborhood Schools for the Entire Community, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

North, T. (2013). Multigenerational Schoolyards: Capturing the Full Potential of Joint Use Agreements, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Rivin, A. (2013). Funding Opportunities for Multigenerational Planning, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Li, X. (2013). Reconnecting Planning to Health: The Multigenerational Approach, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E., Dunn, D., Li, X., Long, V., Madfis, H., North, T., Rivin, A., & Zaire, D. (2013). Overview: Planning for Multigenerational Communities, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. (2013). Does Local Government Size Matter? Privatization and Hybrid Systems of Local Service Delivery. In: Santiago L.P. & Jorge M.V. (Eds.) The Challenge of Local Government Size: Theoretical Perspectives, International Experience, and Policy Reform (pp. 263-287). Edward Elgar. (See working paper in International Center for Public Policy)

Warner, M. E., & Prentice, S. (2013). Regional Economic Development and Child Care: Toward Social Rights. Journal of Urban Affairs35(2), 195-217.

Warner, M.E., & Rukus, J. (2013). Planning for Family-Friendly Communities: Motivators, Barriers, and Benefits, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E., & Morken, L. (2013). Building Child and Age Friendly Communities in Tight Fiscal Times. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.) The Municipal Year Book 2013 (pp. 47-56)

Girth, A. M., Hefetz, A., Johnston, J. M., & Warner, M. E. (2012). Outsourcing Public Service Delivery: Management Responses in Noncompetitive Markets. Public administration review72(6), 887-900.

Morken, L. & Baran-Rees, R. (2012). Joint Use: School Community Collaboration, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, Mildred E. 2012. Local Government Restructuring in a Time of Fiscal Stress. In: Daniel J.B. Mitchell (Ed.) Public Jobs and Political Agendas: The Public Sector in an Era of Economic Stress (pp. 41-58). Labor Employment Research Association.

Morken, L., & Warner, M.E. (2012). Planning for the Aging Population: Rural Responses to the Challenge, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Styer, M. (2012). Paying for Infrastructure in the 21st Century. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Presentation

Morken, L. (2012). New York City and Atlanta: Cities Plan for the Aging Population, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Hefetz, A., Warner, M. E., & Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2012). Privatization and Intermunicipal Contracting: The US Local Government Experience 1992–2007. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy30(4), 675-692.

Warner, M.E. (Coordinator) (2012). Special Section on Infrastructure Privatization. Journal of the American Planning Association 78(3).

Warner, M. E., & Hefetz, A. (2012). Insourcing and outsourcing: The dynamics of privatization among US municipalities 2002–2007. Journal of the American planning association78(3), 313-327.

Hefetz, A., & Warner, M. E. (2012). Contracting or Public Delivery? The importance of service, market and management characteristics. Journal of public administration research and theory22(2), 289-317.

Warner, M.E., & Baran-Rees, R. (2012). The Economic Importance of Families with Children, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Shucksmith, M., Brown, D.L., Shortall, S., Vergunst, J. & Warner, M.E. (Eds.). (2012). Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK. New York and Oxon: Routledge. ISBN: 9780415754491

Homsy, G. & Warner, M.E. (2012). Off the beaten path: Sustainability policies in small towns and rural municipalities. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.) The Municipal Year Book 2012 (pp. 29-37).

Shortall, S. & Warner, M.E. (2012). Rural Transformations: Conceptual and Policy Issues. In: Mark S., David L.B., Sally S., Jo V. & Mildred E.W. (Eds.) Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK (pp. 3-17). Routledge.

Bryden, J., & Warner, M.E. (2012). Policy Affecting Rural People, Economies and Communities. In: Mark S., David L.B., Sally S., Jo V. & Mildred E.W. (Eds.) Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK (pp. 179-195). Routledge.

Warner, M. E. (2011). Competition or cooperation in urban service delivery?. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics82(4), 421-435.

Morrissey, T. W., & Warner, M. E. (2011). An exploratory study of the impacts of an employer-supported child care program. Early Childhood Research Quarterly26(3), 344-354.

Ghazaleh, R. A., Greenhouse, E., Homsy, G. & Warner, M.E. (2011). Using Smart Growth and Universal Design to Link the Needs of Children and the Aging Population. APA Briefing Paper.

Warner, M. E. (2011). Club Goods and Local Government: Questions for Planners. Journal of the American Planning Association77(2), 155-166.

Hanly-Forde, J., Homsy, G., Lieberknecht, K., & Stone, R. (2011). Transfer of Development Rights Program: Using the Market for Compensation and Preservation. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Dowd, K. (2011). Redevelopment Authorities. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Knipe, T. (2011). Bed Taxes and Local Tourism Development: An Outline and Annotated Bibliography. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Baran-Rees, R., Decker, N., Dowd, K., Knipe, T., Randall, C.J., & Rajbhandari Thapa, J. (2011). Community Land Trusts: An Analysis of CLTs in Three Housing Markets. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. (2011). Water Privatization Does Not Yield Cost Savings. In: Transnational Institute and Corporate Europe Observatory (Eds.), Reclaiming Public Water: Achievements, Struggles and Vision from Around the World. Released at the World Water Forum in Cape Town, South Africa for World Water Day | English version Spanish version

Warner, M.E. and Zheng, L. (2011). Economic Development Strategies for Recessionary Times:  2009 Survey Results. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.) The Municipal Year Book 2011 (pp. 33-42).

Warner, M. E. (2010). The Future of Local Government: Twenty-First-Century Challenges. Public Administration Review70(6), s145-s174.

Warner, M.E. & Hefetz, A. (2010). Privatization and Reverse Privatization in US Local Government Service Delivery, 2002-2007. Paper prepared for Public Service International and the Council of Global Unions Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2010. 

Hefetz, A. & Warner, M.E. (2010). Privatization and Its Reverse: Explaining the Dynamics of the Government Contracting Process. In: Boyne, G., & Ashworth, R. (Eds.), Organizing Government. Wiley-Blackwell. Reprinted from Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2004.

Imbriano, K.R. (2010). Parks, open space and recreation: Expanding lifestyle amenities for families, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Greenhouse, E., Homsy, G., & Warner, M.E. (2010). Multigenerational Community Planning: Linking the Needs of Children and Elders, Issue Brief. Planning for Family Friendly Communities.  Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Anderson, K. & Dektar, E. (2010). Child Care and Community Development, Issue Brief. Planning for Family Friendly Communities. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. (2010). Reversing Privatization, Rebalancing Government Reform: Markets, Deliberation and Planning. In: Ramesh, M., Araral, E., & Wu, X. (Eds.), Reasserting the Public in Public Services: New Public Management Reforms (pp. 30-48). Routledge.

Hefetz, A., & Warner, M.E. (2010). Dynamics of Service Provision: Service, Market and Place Characteristics. DEAS Working Paper 2010-33, Department of Economics University of Milan.

Zheng, L. & Warner, M.E. (2010). Local Economic Development, 1994-2004: Broadening Strategies, Increasing Accountability. In: International City County Management Association (Ed.), The Municipal Year Book 2010 (pp.3-9).

Warner, M.E. & Hefetz, A. (2010). Service Characteristics and Contracting: The Importance of Citizen Interest and Competition. In International City County Management Association (Eds.) The Municipal Year Book 2010 (pp. 19-27).

Morrissey, T. W., & Warner, M. E. (2009). Employer-Supported Child Care: Who Participates?. Journal of Marriage and Family71(5), 1340-1348.

Warner, M. E. (2009). Regulatory Takings and Free Trade Agreements: Implications for Planners. Urban Lawyer41(3), 427-444.

Hoover, K., & McAvey, K. (2009). Case Study: Village of Lombard, Illinois, Planners’ Role in Creating Family-Friendly Cities. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Hoover, K. (2009). Case Study: City of Miramar, Florida, Planners’ Role in Creating Family-Friendly Cities. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Olson, B. (2009). Case Study: City of Frederick, Maryland, Planners’ Role in Creating Family-Friendly Cities. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Kwon, J. (2009). Case Study: City of Burlington, Vermont, Planners’ Role in Creating Family-Friendly Cities. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

McAvey, K.C. (2009). Case Study: City of Trenton, New Jersey, Planners’ Role in Creating Family-Friendly Cities. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Gutierrez, E. (2009). Case Study: City of East Lansing, Michigan, Planners’ Role in Creating Family-Friendly Cities. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Hoover, K. (2009). Expanding Lifestyle Amenities for Families: Parks and Recreation, Issue Brief. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Kwon, J. (2009). Transportation and Family Friendly Communities, Issue Brief. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Gutierrez, E. (2009). Housing and Family-Friendly Communities, Issue Brief. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

McAvey, K.C. (2009). Reaching Out: Youth and Family Participation, Issue Brief. Linking Child Care and Economic Development Project. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Olson, B. (2009). Comprehensive Planning for Family-Friendly Communities, Issue Brief. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. (2009). Child Care Multipliers: Stimulus for the States. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project, Cornell University.

Bel, G., & Warner, M. E. (2009). Managing Competition in City Services: The Case of Barcelona. Journal of Urban Affairs31(5), 521-535.

Adriance, S., Marshall, C., Markeson, B., Stoney, L., & Warner, M.E. (2009). From Regional Economic Analysis to Economic Development Policy: A Review of State and Local Child Care Economic Impact Studies. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. & Gradus, R. (2009). The Consequences of Implementing a Child Care Voucher: Evidence from Australia, the Netherlands and USA. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 2009-078/3, Erasmus University, Netherlands.

Warner, M.E. & Hefetz, A. (2009). Trends in Public and Contracted Government Services: 2002-2007. Reason Foundation Policy Brief #80, Los Angeles, CA: Reason Foundation.

Warner, M.E. & Hefetz, A. (2009). Cooperative Competition: Alternative Service Delivery, 2002-2007. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.) The Municipal Year Book 2009 (pp. 11-20).

Warner, M.E. (Ed.) (2009). Special section on the Regional Economic Importance of Child Care. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. 39(1).

Hipp, L., & Warner, M. E. (2008). Market Forces for the Unemployed? Training Vouchers in Germany and the USA. Social Policy & Administration42(1), 77-101.

Israel, E. & Warner, M.E. (2008). Planning for Family Friendly Communities. PAS Memo, American Planning Association.

Stoney, L., Mitchell, A., & Warner, M. E. (2008). Smarter Reform: Moving beyond Single-Program Solutions to an Early Care and Education System in the United States. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy2(2), 53-68.

Bel, G., & Warner, M. E. (2008). Does privatization of solid waste and water services reduce costs? A review of empirical studies. Resources, Conservation and Recycling52(12), 1337-1348.

Warner, M.E. (2008). The Economic Importance of the Early Care and Education Sector, Research and Policy Brief. CaRDI Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 

Warner, M.E. (2008). Local Government Infrastructure and the False Promise of Privatization. A Century Foundation Report. New York: Century Foundation.

Warner, M.E. & Shortall, S. (2008). Understanding EU US Rural Policy Differences. Rural New York Minute, Issue 20, CaRDI Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Bel, G. & Warner, M.E. (Eds) (2008). Special Issue: Challenging Issues in Local Privatization. Environment and Planning C – Government and Policy, 26(1).

Bel, G., & Warner, M. E. (2008). Challenging Issues in Local Privatization. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy26(1), 104-109.

Warner, M.E. (Ed.) (2007). Special Issue: Child Care and Economic Development. International Journal of Economic Development, 9(3-4).

Bel, G., Hebdon, R., & Warner, W. (Eds.) (2007). Local Government Reform: Privatisation and Public-Private CollaborationSpecial Issue in Local Government Studies, 33(4).

Bel, G., Hebdon, R., & Warner, M. E. (2007). Local Government Reform: Privatisation and Its Alternatives. Local Government Studies33(4), 507-515.


Warner, M.E., & Haddow, G. (2007). Child Care: An Essential Service for Disaster Recovery. Save the Children Issue Brief #3 June, 2007.

Warner, M.E., Anderson, K., & Haddow, G. (2007). Putting Child Care in the Picture: Why this service is a critical part of community infrastructure. Planning (pp. 16-19).

Warner, M. E. (2007). Child Care and Economic Development: Markets, Households and Public Policy. International Journal of Economic Development9(3), 111-121.

Morrissey, T. W., & Warner, M. E. (2007). Why Early Care and Education Deserves as Much Attention, or More, than Prekindergarten Alone. Applied Development Science11(2), 57-70.

Warner, M.E. (2007). Market-Based Governance and the Challenge for Rural Governments: U.S. Trends. In: Giarchi, G. (Ed.), Challenging Welfare Issues in the Global Countryside (pp. 36-52). Blackwell Publishing.

Gerbasi, J., & Warner, M. E. (2007). Privatization, Public Goods and the Ironic Challenge of Free Trade Agreements. Administration & Society39(2), 127-149.

Warner, M.E. (2007) Planning for Inclusion: The Case of Child Care. Practicing Planner, 5(1).

Warner, M.E. (2007). Razones y Bases de La Cooperación Intermunicipal en los EE.UU. In: Fundación Economía Aragonesa (Eds.), Innovaciones en Política Territorial: Comarcas y otras experiencias internacionales de cooperación intermunicipal (pp. 147-165). Fundear.

Fleron, L.J., Breen, L., Dimitrov, D., & Grogan, R.L. (2006). Buffalo Child Care Means Business. Cornell University ILR Workforce, Industry and Economic Development, Child Care Resource Network, University of Buffalo Law School and United Way of Buffalo.

Bellettini, O., Carrillo, P., Brborich, W., Warner, M.E., Timme, L., & Coombs, E. (October 2006). Stay Public or Go Private: A Comparative Analysis of Water Services Between Quito and Guayaquil. Grupo FARO – Fundación para el Avance de las Reformas y las Oportunidades, for Inter-American Development Bank.

Warner, M.E. (Ed.) (2006). The Economic Importance of Child Care for Community Development. Special Issue in Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society 37(2).

Stoney, L., Mitchell, A., & Warner, M. E. (2006). Smarter Reform: Moving Beyond Single-Program Solutions to an Early Care and Education System. Community Development37(2), 101-115.

Parthasarathy, J. (2006). Financing Child Care: Banking Finance and Federal Community Development Funds. Prepared as part of the Cornell Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project for the New York State Child Care Coordinating Council. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Howell, M. (2006). Driving Transportation and Child Care Together. Prepared as part of the Cornell Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project for the New York State Child Care Coordinating Council. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Park, J.E. (2006). Economic Development Planning. Prepared as part of the Cornell Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project for the New York State Child Care Coordinating Council. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Tanaka, Y. (2006). Labor Force Trends and the Role of Child Care in New York. Prepared as part of the Cornell Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project for the New York State Child Care Coordinating Council. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Kroetsch, A. (2006). Community Coalitions for Child Care. Prepared as part of the Cornell Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project for the New York State Child Care Coordinating Council. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Cornell University Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project (2006). New York State Survey on Economic Development and Child Care. Prepared for the New York State Child Care Coordinating Council. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Stoney, L. & Warner, M.E. (2006). Linking Economic Development and Child Care, Annual Report to the Kellogg Foundation

Warner, M.E. (2006). Competition, Cooperation and Local Government. Challenges for Rural America in the 21st Century, Issue Brief # 4, Rural Sociological Society. 

Warner, M.E. (2006). Child Care and Economic Development: The Role for Planners. Planning Advisory Service PAS Memo, American Planning Association

Warner, M. E. (2006). Inter-municipal Cooperation in the US: A regional Governance Solution?. Urban Public Economics Review, (6), 221-239.

Calicchia, M., Greene, R., Lee, E., & Warner, M. (2005). Disaster Relief Medicaid Evaluation Project. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Prepared for the Office of Medicaid Management, New York State Department of Health by Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations

Warner, M. E., & Pratt, J. E. (2005). Spatial Diversity in Local Government Revenue Effort Under Decentralization: A Neural-Network Approach. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy23(5), 657-677.

Warner, M.E. & Stoney, L. (2005). Economic Development Strategies to Promote Quality Child Care, Brochure version. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Research Project, Cornell University. 

Warner, M. E., & Liu, Z. (2005). Economic Development Policy and Local Services: The Case of Child Care. International Journal of Economic Development7(1), 25-64.

Kohl, B., & Warner, M.E. (Eds.) (2004). Scales of Neoliberalism, Special symposium in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 28(4).

Warner, M. E., & Weiss Daugherty, C. (2004). Promoting the 'Civic' in Entrepreneurship: The Case of Rural Slovakia. Journal of the Community Development Society35(1), 117-134.

Kohl, B. & Warner, M.E. (2004). Scales of Neoliberalism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 28(4):855-857.

Warner, M. E., & Gerbasi, J. (2004). Rescaling and Reforming the State under NAFTA: Implications for Subnational Authority. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research28(4), 858-873.

Stoney, L., Warner, M.E., Klockowski, K., & Child Care Council of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. (2004). The Child Care Industry: An Integral Part of Long Island’s Economy.

Warner, M.E. et al. (2004). Investing in New York: An Economic Analysis of the Early Care and Education Sector. Prepared for NYS Child Care Coordinating Council and NYS Office of Children and Family Services | Final Report Technical Report Summary

Hefetz, A., & Warner, M. E. (2004). Privatization and Its Reverse: Explaining the Dynamics of the Government Contracting Process. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory14(2), 171-190.

Warner, M.E., & Gerbasi, J. (2004). Is There a Democratic Deficit in the Free Trade Agreements? What Local Governments Should Know. Public Management 86(2): 16-21.

Warner, M.E., Adriance, S., Barai, N., Hallas, J., Markeson, B., Morrissey, T. & Soref, W. (2004). Economic Development Strategies to Promote Quality Child Care. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Liu, Z., Ribeiro, R., & Warner, M.E. (2004). Comparing Child Care Multipliers in the Regional Economy: Analysis from 50 States. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Research Project, Cornell University | Final Report Brochure

Warner, M.E., & Hefetz, A. (2004). Pragmatism over Politics: Alternative Service Delivery in Local Government, 1992-2002. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.), The Municipal Year Book 2004 (pp. 8-16).

Warner, M., & Hefetz, A. (2003). Rural-Urban Differences in Privatization: Limits to the Competitive State. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy21(5), 703-718.

Gerbasi, J. & Warner, M.E. (2003). The Impact of International Trade on State and Local Government Authority. Department of City and Regional Planning Working Papers #204, Cornell University.

Investing in the Child Care Industry: An Economic Development Strategy for Kansas (March 2003). Mid-America Regional Council, Kansas. (Conducted the economic analysis and was a primary author of the report)

Warner, M., Ribeiro, R., & Smith, A. E. (2003). Addressing the Affordability Gap: Framing Child Care as Economic Development. Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law12(3), 294-313.

Warner, M.E. Belajova, A., Fazikova, M., & Siebenmann, A. (2003). Resistance and Reliance: Challenges to Decentralization in Rural Central Europe. Working paper.

Warner, M.E., Ballard, M., & Hefetz, A. (2003). Contracting Back In – When Privatization Fails. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.), The Municipal Year Book 2003 (pp. 30-36).

Warner, M.E. (2003). Competition, Cooperation and Local Governance. In: Brown, D., & Swanson, L. (Eds.), Challenges for Rural America in the Twenty First Century (pp. 252-262). Penn State University Press.

McFarland, S., McGowan, C., O'Toole, T. (2002). Prisons, Privatization, and Public Values. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Gratto, A., Preston, B., & Snilsberg, T. (2002). Mitigating Corruption in New Public Management. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. & Gerbasi, J. (2002). Privatization, Free Trade and the Erosion of Government Authority. CRP Working Paper #203. Presented at American Collegiate Society of Planners Conference, November 2002.

Warner, M., & Hefetz, A. (2002). The Uneven Distribution of Market Solutions for Public Goods. Journal of Urban Affairs24(4), 445-459.

The Economic Impact of Vermont’s Child Care Industry (June 2002). Windham Child Care Association and Peace and Justice Center (served on the advisory committee)

Warner, M.E., Quazi, J., More, B., Cattan, E., Bellen, S., & Odekon, K. (2002). Business Improvement Districts: Issues in Alternative Local Public Service Provision.

Warner, M.E. & Amir Hefetz, A. (2001). Privatization and the Market Role of Government. Briefing Paper, Economic Policy Institute, Washington, DC.

Ballard, M.J. & Warner, M.E. (2000). Taking the High Road: Local Government Restructuring and the Quest for Quality. In: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (Eds.), Power Tools for Fighting Privatization (pp. 6/1 - 6/53). Distributed to union locals throughout the nation, Fall 2001.

Warner, M.E. & Hefetz, A. (2001). Uneven Markets: Privatization and Public Service Delivery in U.S. Cities. Proceedings of the International Forum for Research and Development, pre-conference to U.N. Habitat II New York, NY June 4-6, 2001. Conference Proceedings Vol. 1. no. 6: Privatization of Service Delivery in Mega Cities. Earlier version CRP Working Paper #196.

Warner, M. E., & Hebdon, R. (2001). Local Government Restructuring: Privatization and Its AlternativesJournal of Policy Analysis and Management20(2), 315-336.

Warner, M. E. (2001). Building Social Capital: the Role of Local Government. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 30(2), 187-192.

Warner, M.E. (2001). Arkansas Reflections. Memo submitted to National Community Investment Fund and included in the Trustees Briefing Book for the March 2001 meeting.

Warner, M.E. (2001). Innovative Economic Development Strategies. Paper presented at Social Trends and Outlook Conference, Community and Rural Development Institute, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. (2001). Local Government Support for Community-Based Economic Development. In: International City County Management Association (Eds.), The Municipal Year Book 2001 (pp. 21-27).

Warner, M.E. (2000). Devolution and the Emerging Structure of Spatial Inequality. Paper presented at the Rural Sociological Society Conference August 2000, Washington DC.

Warner, M.E., Belajova, A. & Fazikova, M. (2000). Households, Markets and the State: A Gender Analysis of the Transition to Capitalism in Slovakia. Presented to Association of European Schools of Planning, Brno, Czech Republic. July 2000.

Warner, M.E. (2000). Structuring the Market for Service Delivery: A New Role for Local Government. In: Johnson, R. & Walzer, N. (Eds.), Local Government Innovation: Issues and Trends in Privatization and Managed Competition (pp 85-104). Quorum Books.

Warner, M.E., Belajova, A., Fazikova, M., & Siebenmanova, A. (1999). Local Government and Rural Development in the Visegrad: Challenges and Opportunities. (Also published in: David B. & Anna B. (Eds.), Rural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, proceedings of Research conference Dec 6-9, 1999 Podbanske Slovakia.  Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra Slovakia.  Earlier version Working Papers in Planning No 191. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University)

Warner, M. E. (1999). Collaborative Planning Broadens the Local Economic Development Policy Debate. Journal of Planning Education and Research19(2), 201-206.

Evaluation of the Rural Community Capacity Building Project of ACDI/VOCA-Slovakia, submitted to US Agency for International Development, Slovakia, July 15, 1999.  Other review team members included Frank Mertens and Mark A. Smith from US AID Washington, and Thomas Potts, Clemson University. 

Warner, M. E., Clare Hinrichs, C., Schneyer, J., & Joyce, L. (1999). Organizing Communities to Sustain Rural Landscapes: Lessons from New York. Community Development30(2), 178-195.

Ballard, M., Sherper, K. & Warner, M.E. (1999). Options for County Nursing Homes in New York State. Report presented to the County Nursing Facilities of New York State and the Civil Service Employees Association, May 1999, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Early Education Partnership, 1999-2000, Fact Sheets. Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, Day Care and Child Development Council, Cornell University

Warner, M.E. (1998). Local Government Financial Capacity and the Growing Importance of State Aid. Rural America/ Rural Development Perspectives, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. 13(3): 27-36.

Warner, M.E., Hinrichs, C., Joyce, L., & Schneyer, J. (1998). Collaborative Research Between Community Development Practitioners and University Based Researchers: Challenges and Benefits. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) ED 419 124.  Abstract announced in Resources in Education, October 1998.

Warner, M. E., Hinrichs, C., Schneyer, J., & Joyce, L. (1998). From Knowledge Extended to Knowledge Created: Challenges for a New Extension Paradigm. Journal of Extension36(4), 50-57.

Burt, L., Goldberg, L., Guild, K. & Warner, M.E. (1999). Aspiring to Excellence. Colloqui, Cornell University (pp. 33-44) (Earlier version with complete case studies: Aspiring to Excellence: Comparative Case Studies of Public Sector Labor-Management Cooperation in New York State, 1998)

Blumner, N., Burt, L., Gans, J., Goldberg, L., Guild, K., Sung Kim, Y., Kil Lee, C., Vaughn, D., & Warner, M.E. (1998). Comparative Case Studies of Public Sector Labor-Management Cooperation in New York State, Final Documennt. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University | Case studies: Ontario County Genesse County Tompkins County

Burt, L. (1998). Industrial Relations Theory: Lessons from a Private Sector Model for Public Sector Transformation. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Goldberg, L. (1998). Transforming Work. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Blumner, N. (1998). The Role of Cooperative Structures in Workplace Transformation. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Gans, J. (1998). Best Practices for Promoting Cooperation Among Multiple Stakeholders. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Vaughn, D. (1998). Mutual Gains Bargaining. Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. & Hebdon, R. (1998). Local Government Restructuring in New York State. NYSAC News 19(9)

Warner, M.E., Hinrichs, C., Schneyer, J., Joyce, L. (1997). Sustaining the Rural Landscape by Building Community Social Capital. Community Development Reports, Vol. 5:2. CaRDI, Cornell University.

Warner, M. E., & Belajova, A. (1996). Using Community Development Simulations in Divergent International Contexts. Journal of Extension34(4).

Warner, M.E. (1996). [Review of the book Rural Development in the United States: Connecting Theory, Practice and Possibilities, by W.A. Galston and K.J. Baehler]. Journal of Rural Sociology.

NYS Pathways from Poverty Team (1996). Establishing Pathways from Poverty in a Block Grant Environment. Community Development Reports, Vol. 4:1, CaRDI, Cornell University

Lyson, T.A., Falk, W.W., Henry, M., Hickey, J.A., Warner, M.E. (1993). Spatial Inequality, Uneven Development and Rural Poverty. In: Task Force on Persistent Rural Poverty (Eds.), Persistent Poverty in Rural America (pp 106-135). Westview Press.

Warner, M. E. (1992). Poverty Alleviation and Rural Economic Development: The Need for a New Federal Partnership. The Rural Sociologist, 12(3), pp. 61-63.

Warner, M.E. (1991). [Review of the book Reclaiming Capital: Democratic Initiatives and Community Development, by C. Gunn and H. Dayton Gunn]. Journal of the Community Development Society, 22(2).

Warner, M.E. & Brown, D.L. (1990). Rural Development Issues for the Northeast in the 1990's. New York's Food and Life Sciences Quarterly. 20(1/2): 2-6.

Warner, M.E. (1990). Why Has Rural Development Become a Priority in the 1980's? In Human Ecology Forum, 12, pp. 19-22. Proquest Social Sciences Journals.

Warner, M. E., Pratt, J. E., & Novakovic, A. M. (1986). Potential Impacts of Routing Milk to Dairy Processing Plants on the Basis of Assembly Cost and Protein Content. Journal of Dairy Science69(7), 1972-1986.

Warner, M.E. (1985). An Environmental Risk Index to Evaluate Pesticide Programs in Crop Budgets. Agricultural Economics Research Paper, No. 85-11, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. (1985). A Multi-period Linear Programming Model of Diversification into Fruit on Long Island Potato Farms. Agricultural Economics Research Paper, No. 85-13, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. (1983). Is Crop Rotation Feasible?  A Linear Programming Model of Small Scallion Farms in the Central Highlands of Ecuador. Agricultural Economics Staff Paper, No. 83-16, Cornell University.

Warner, M.E. (1978). Community Building, the History of Atlanta University Neighborhoods. Department of Budget and Planning, Atlanta, GA.

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