Paid Sick Leave for everyone: What cities can do
Carlos Lopez, Kania Thea Pradipta, Ella Sahertian, Mediatrich Triani
Millions of American workers lack paid sick leave, and this has serious public health and social justice consequences. We conducted a comparative case study of pioneer cities such as San Francisco (SF) and Seattle, and late implementors such as Pittsburgh and Duluth, to analyze the key factors that enabled these cities to pass and implement the paid sick leave policy. Coalition building was central for cities to approve paid sick leave ordinances. By forming coalitions, these cities were successful in getting private employers to extend paid sick leave to all workers.
López, C., Pradipta, K.T., Sahertian, E., Triani, M. (2020). Paid Sick Leave for Everyone: What Cities Can Do, Issue Brief. Dept. of City and Reg. Planning, Cornell University.