Your support can help the Legal Constructs Lab critically engage with and advance laws that foster more equitable, sustainable, well-designed, and connected places. Gifts to the Lab primarily fund the time of emerging experts (postdocs, doctoral students, graduate students, and law students) in property, land use, historic preservation, and energy. In this way, your gift nurtures the next generation of scholars while delivering cutting-edge, high-impact results.
National Zoning Atlas
An ongoing effort to translate and standardize the country’s zoning codes into a single online resource.
New York Zoning Atlas
A zoning atlas initiated at Cornell University, expanding collaboration to external partners.
Can a Machine Learn to Read Zoning Codes?
A legal technology project with Urban Institute to automate analysis of district-specific regulations.

Gifts of all sizes can build our team and accelerate our interdisciplinary research.
Use the secure online gift form to make a one-time gift or set up a recurring or installment gift at the frequency of your choice.
Online giving
You can make your online gift quickly and easily with our secure online form. Select the areas you love at AAP, choose a one-time or recurring gift, and know you're making a difference.
Mail a check
Please put “Legal Constructs Lab” in the memo field and send checks payable to: Cornell University, c/o Legal Constructs Lab Fund, Box 37334, Boone, IA 50037-0334
Make a gift of securities
Gifts of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds are tax-deductible to the full extent of the Internal Revenue Code. Complete this secure online form and in the “Cornell Designation” line, put “AAP Legal Constructs Lab.” You can also call 1-800-481-1865.