We focus on several key research areas, including regional or metropolitan polycentricity, the effect of planning institutions on spatial patterns, and the impacts of spatial patterns on sustainable outcomes. Below are highlights of our ongoing research efforts as well as some current projects we are working on.
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Ongoing research areas
Regional Polycentricity
How can we better measure regional polycentricity? Are metropolitan areas becoming more polycentric?
Land use planning institutions
What role do planning institutions and land use regulation have in shaping our metropolitan areas?
Spatial patterns and sustainable outcomes
What role do urban spatial patterns have in creating more sustainable outcomes?
Current projects
Urban Morphology and Sustainable Outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa
We are interested in modeling the spatial patterns of African cities and studying the impacts on a number of covariates, including air quality, urban heat and carbon emissions.
What is the relationship between urban structure and patterns of urban amenities?
Do more polycentric metropolitans areas provide a greater diversity and better access to urban amenities?
The role of regional plans in addressing climate change
We are using Natural language processing to study how climate change mitigation and adaptation measures emerge at the regional scale through a study of German regional plans